QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation


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I´m new to QueueMetrics, so I hope my questions aren´t to dumb.

I´ve installed QueueMetrics 1.4.5 on a Gentoo Server with Tomcat 6 and Asterisk 1.2.

All works fine except of importing files form the server.

I always get an java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/log/asterisk/queue_log (Permission denied) if I try to generate a report. The permissions on that file are read/write for all.

In the FAQ there is a part about "How do I run QueueMetrics with Java Security?". I´ve tried this out, but the effekt is the same. So what can I do? ???

Sorry for my bad English...

My suggestion is to completely disable the Java Security module.


--- Quote from: QueueMetrics on August 28, 2008, 14:21:06 ---My suggestion is to completely disable the Java Security module.

--- End quote ---

How can I disable this? I´m completly new to this Tomcat Stuff and our Admin is on vacation  :(

See if this applies - I've never used Gentoo but this is a Tomcat setting:



Basically if you look on the License page for the property java.security.policy, you find to what file it points to and try to delete it and restart.


--- Quote ---Basically if you look on the License page for the property java.security.policy, you find to what file it points to and try to delete it and restart.
--- End quote ---

On my License page there is no java.security.policy part  ??? May there other reasons for getting this Exceptions?


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