QueueMetrics > Realtime Live

Read this first: running Realtime Live

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The realtime live support in QueueMetrics 1.3.4 is EXPERIMENTAL - use it at your own risk. We would like to hear from you on how to improve it and problems you should encounter.

The Realtime Live feature lets you monitor one or more Asterisk servers through their Manager interface, letting you know the state of queues, callers and agents in real-time. This data is loaded straight from Asterisk, so it should always reflect the current status, and is meant as a complement and not a replacement of the existing Realtime panel. This happens in the context of QueueMetrics' security model, so you can fine-tune who can see what on your system.

This feature is at the moment unrestricted in terms of monitored agents, but the one implemented in 1.3.4 is a time-limited version that will be improved in future versions.

Starting Realtime Live
First of all you have to configure all of your server to allow access from QueueMetrics through their Manager API. You should change the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf file in order to allow access to the server running QueueMetrics and to define an user/password pair for QM to connect.
The following example opens an account for a user called queuemetrics with password bingo:

--- Code: ---[general]
enabled = yes
port = 5038
bindaddr =

--- End code ---

Once that is set up, you should edit the configuration.properties in QM in order to set up the members of the cluster:

--- Code: ---# Cluster to poll for RT data
# list of pipe-separated members of the cluster

--- End code ---

The cluster.servers property tells QM this cluster is made up of two boxes which names are aleph and trix. We then create the connection strings, that look like tcp:username:password@servername. You can have as many cluster members as you like.

Now, install QM 1.3.4 and make sure your user has the security key RTLIVE.  Restart QueueMetrics.

To access the realtime live page, click on Realtime, then on the Live tab. That's it. You should see all activity (for selected queues, as always) on all members of the cluster.

In the case you should find some strange behaviour, you can see a raw copy of the data Qm is reading by accessing the page /queuemetrics/dbtest/mgr.jsp. If you report any error on this new functionality, make sure to add a printout of the mgr.jsp page so we can debug what went wrong.

Outbound queues
The new realtime live page is able to monitor outbound queues as well as inbound queues. To do this you have to use the new queueDial.agi script that comes with 1.3.4 and use the following calling syntax:

--- Code: ---; dial con detection
exten => 426,1,Set(CDR(accountcode)=QDIALAGI)
exten => 426,2,DeadAGI(queueDial.agi|30|Local/21@sip|queue-out|Agent/101)

--- End code ---

It is very important that the queueDial.agi is run through a channel marked QDIALAGI, as this is needed by QM in order to avoid pulling channel information out of all active channels (this means avoiding drowning Asterisk in manager queries on a busy system).

There are a few known limitations to this page:

* No wait/call time breakdown.
* No agent call back extension shown
* No coloured alarms at all
* The layout of the page surely need improving
* The page in in English only at the moment and cannot be translated
We expect to fix all those issues with time and your input.

This still isn't "Realtime"

It only updates every 15 seconds by default

Is there a monitor that updates in actual realtime.  Only interested in monitoring 1 server

Well, you can change the update period to suit your needs - as this is very lightweight, you could run it every 5 seconds, if that's needed. This would give you a 2.5 second expected delay on what is going on, and that's pretty realtime. 8)

Has this changed in QM 1.4.x? Do I need to enable clustering to use this live function?

No - you just set it up for one server to use it w/o licensing problems.


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