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Anyone experiencing an issue with the wallboard? apparently if the browser (chrome or Firefox) as tested is left logged in overnight on the wallboard screen it freezes up or stop responding when checked the following morning. Chrome displays an error message "Aw Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage"
Firefox displays an error " Gah. Your tab crashed". Using latest updated version of QueueMetrics 19.04.1 B: 622 on FreePBX asterisk 16.3.0

Itgigi (Loway):
Hello Sylwat,

I will test this and I'll let you know.

Best Regards,

Did you get a chance to test the Wall Board overnight? still having browser issues with connectivity the following morning need to either refresh or start a new session to re-connect the display.

Itgigi (Loway):
Hello Sylwat,

I have done some tests with different browsers (Chrome and Firefox) on two slightly different QueueMetrics configurations.

I was not able to replicate the issue.

It might be that the connectivity drops during the night. Maybe a database backup locks the tables and QueueMetrics is not able to access the data, causing it to return an error.

Would you mind sending me the complete log files (the most recent ones):


Please use a hosting platform if the files are larger than 10mb.

Best Regards,


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