WombatDialer > Running WombatDialer
Exporting a list of calls from the WD reports
A number of people are asking to have a way to export a list of calls to Excel/CSV from the WombatDialer reports page. We plan to implement this in the upcoming release - tracking this as bug #2070 - but meanwhile you can use the following query:
--- Code: ---SELECT
C.name, H.hopName,
CR.number, CL.name as LST,
L.attempted, L.waitPre, L.waitAfter,
L.talk, L.statusCode, L.astUnique,
L.nRetry, L.nextRetry
FROM call_logs L, hopper H, campaigns C, call_records CR, call_lists CL
WHERE L.hopCamp = H.hopId
AND H.campaign = C.campaignId
AND L.callId = CR.callId
AND L.listId = CL.listId
-- Search here ---
AND C.name like '%name%'
AND L.attempted BETWEEN '2013-01-16 17:53:00'
AND '2013-01-16 17:54:00'
--- End code ---
You should set the C.name as the name of the campaign you want to report on and the dates on L.attempted below (optional) are for a date range.
This gets you the information you need, and you can copy and paste it to your favorite spreadsheet from a MySQL GUI...
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