QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation
Pause Status not changing in reports
You are correct that it would report code meeting for 2h and 5 minutes when I was thinking the reverse but the point is still the same. I understand the ability to change mistaken pause codes. The problem is that if an already paused agent has to unpause themselves to change their pause code then during a busy time of day they could receive a call. They would then have to miss the call which then be reflected in the reports and they would then get a manager asking them why they missed a call. This is clearly not a deal breaker but it does present a possible problem.
Brendan Henry
Hi Behnry, I've understood the problem.
I think that you can overcome the problem modifying the dialplan used by QM to schedule pausing/unpausing commands to asterisk.
The idea is to "emulate" an unpausing event in the queue_log file, generated by asterisk and used by QM as datasource, every time that an agent wants to insert a pause code. Being "simulated", the PBX will not be alerted and the agent will not receive any call during the unpause period.
For example, forcing a system echo in order to generate events similar to the listed below log snip could be useful:
This could be implemented with lines like that:
exten => 22,n,System( echo "${EPOCH}|NONE|NONE|Agent/${AGENTCODE}|UNPAUSEALL|" >> /var/log/asterisk/queue_log ) in the extensions_queuemetrics.conf file you can find in the asterisk configuration folder.
I did not tried to implement it but I'm feeling it will works. Obviously you'll lose the ability to change mistaken pause codes.
Best regards,
Marco Signorini
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