QueueMetrics > Running QueueMetrics

Total calls processed in Report

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Can someone tell me what the Total calls processed includes?

I also have a question regarding the following scenario:
1) Operator A is on the phone with a Caller 1.
2) Caller 2 calls our company.
3) Caller 2 tries to connect to Operator A.
4) Since Operator A is with Caller 1, Caller 2 tries to connect to Operator B.

During steps 1-3, Operator A's Total calls processed is 10.
But at step 4, Operator A's Total calls processed goes up to 11.

Is this a bug?

This looks strange indeed. Can you post some screesnshots?

Okay it's really weird, everything seems to be working again...
I didn't really do anything, but if it anything happens I'll post up some screenshots


--- Quote from: QueueMetrics on September 10, 2008, 08:34:03 ---This looks strange indeed. Can you post some screesnshots?

--- End quote ---

Report for everyone this morning

Report for Agent #508

Report for Agent #512

The total calls processed for everyone is 7, which is right!
Since Agent #508 was the only agent logged in and taking calls, he took 6 and missed 1.
However for Agent #512 who hasn't been logged on all morning, his total calls processed is still 1 (which is the unanswered call). It seems the unanswered calls is a global thing and when a customer hangs up, everyone is penalised with that one unanswered call... Can you please look into this asap.

Also when the report is generated for everyone... in the unanswered calls tab, there doesn't seem to be a unanswered calls by agent field... is this correct?

Added 11:51am 11/9/2008
Ran dbtest, but got the following error (not sure if they are related):
Problem encountered:
The required database table 'qa_data' is missing or unreadable. Please run the database update utility.

Ok this makes sense.
Lost calls are in effect GLOBAL as they were never taken up by any agents. So the very last version of QM just zeroes them when filtering by agent.


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