QueueMetrics > Running QueueMetrics

Switching between pause codes has a bug - One MUST un-pause before switching!

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This is a situation that I think applies to every call center.

1- Employee goes on PAUSE CODE - Break (paid time) for 5 minutes
2- Employee then decides to go on PAUSE CODE - Lunch (unpaid time) - for 30 minutes

So he/she clicks the relative pause codes in the same order as above without using the UNPAUSE button and guess what happens? the system only logs BREAK for 35 minute of paid time. This is an employer rip off or it could be employee rip off :-(

Can this be fixed on an emergency basis since this is really bad and was brought to my attention today.

P.S. Employee should be allowed to switch from PAUSE code to PAUSE code without unpausing because if they unpause they might start receiving calls and there are tons of other reasons why one might want to switch from code to code without unpausing.


This is by design, so you can change the pause code if you enter it incorrectly.
What you get is that the agent went on lunch for 35 minutes, so when you review such data, you tell them they are over their allotted time.


I don't think you understood the situation properly. I invite you to do the following on your test system.

1- Login to Queue
2- Press PAUSE and go on a PAID pause code
3- 1 minute after step #2 above, press another PAUSE code - PAID one - without unpausing in between.
4- 1 minute after that, unpause and go ahead check the sessions.

You will only see that the first PAUSE code is recorded and the second pause code is not recorded. That is my issue. This is not about how long an employee takes break or lunch. It's about reporting NOT LOGGING pause code.


So you would like it to be changeable or not?

Of course changeable.

Right now an employee can ONLY go on PAUSE CODE and then he MUST unpause before going on another pause code. If he goes on PAUSE CODE and then changes to another PAUSE code without using UNPAUSE in between the second PAUSE CODE does not get logged as a session.


I am not sure what other way to explain this. Unless you try what I tried to convey multiple times probably you won't notice the bug. This is a reporting issue.



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