QueueMetrics > QueueMetrics installation

Can't unpack QM

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Hello, I can't unpack the QM, first i download it using wget command, then when i'm going to download using tar -zxvf command, then this appears:

tar: QueueMetrics-1.4.3-trial.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

I don'nt know what's happening
Help me please!

Try deleting the file and downloading it again.

If you want to be sure, run:

--- Code: ---[root@pbx root]# md5sum QueueMetrics-1.4.3-trial.tar.gz

d0c4fd7569131c62e16cf177ed44a7c8  QueueMetrics-1.4.3-trial.tar.gz
--- End code ---

Hello, thanks, I deleted the QM and installed again and it works!!

But now I have a new problem.

I edited the web.xml in the part:

<param-value>jdbc:mysql://my server ip/queuemetrics?autoReconnect=true&amp;zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&amp;

Then I restarted my servlet container and pointed to my web browser the following:
http://my server ip:8080/queuemetrics

After i did this nothing happen! Also i point to the JDBC tester page and happened the same...nothing!!!
I know that i'm doing or i done something wrong, but i need  your help to figure out.

1. is Java actually running?
2. is Tomcat working? http://serverip:8080/ should show the Tomcat home page
3. are you installing on CentOS 5?

I don't know if Java is running and I can't access the Tomcat home page.


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