QueueMetrics > Running QueueMetrics

What is the new SubqueueMode?



In the release notes, it states:

#857 - New SubqueueMode that propagates all subqueue events to the parent queue

Where can I get information on what this is?



If you turn it on....

--- Code: ---# Subqueue mode enabled

--- End code ---

it propagates all events (eg calls, logons, pauses) that seem to happen on the subqueue to the master queue.

Eg if you have a queue.subqueue like inbound.1234 and an unknown agent starts taking calls on inbound.1234 the implicit addmember is done on inbound, that is a true Asterisk queue (while the subqueue is just virtual).

So, does this mean that I will no longer have to explicitly add agents to each of my subqueues?

Presently, if I have a queue with 12 subqueues, I need to manually add all agents to each of these subqueues, otherwise they do not show up in QM.

Is there any reason not to turn this on?



Any clarification available on the above? I don't see what difference setting SubqueueMode makes at all.



Hi Barry.

This new modality was implemented to solve a particular problem we have with one of our customer.
Enabling this modality lets QueueMetrics propagating to parent queue all calls and events generated by the subqueues. I think this is the inverse process you want to have.
In the situation we have, if an event happens only in the "subqueue", it will be reported in the "queue"."subqueue" too... but not on other "subqueues" composing the master "queue".

Thank you and regards,
Marco Signorini.


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